The St. Petersburg economic forum is held in line with the decision of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member countries under the patronage of the Russian president and with the assistance of the Russian government, as well as with the participation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
This eighth forum is expected to be attended by the heads of state and government, heads of parliaments, leaders of international organisations, representatives of the economic and political elite of many countries.
"The motto of this forum is The Efficient Economy - A Life of Dignity", Mironov said.
Participants in the forum plan discussing a range of topical problems of the CIS and the entire international community. Particularly, the formation of the CIS single customs environment and the European economic environment, regulation of the production and turnover of alcoholic products in countries of the CIS, use of the raw-materials base, control of the consumer market, protection of the consumer rights.