"During the visit, the constancy of Russia's policy toward the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with Iran, deepening active and confidential dialogue on a wide range of issues will be confirmed," Yakovenko said.
In his words, during the visit it is planned to consider the present state of Russo-Iranian relations, as well as outline new steps to develop and strengthen them in line with the Agreement on the fundamentals of relations and principles of cooperation signed by the presidents of the two states in March 2001.
Alexander Yakovenko said Russia welcomes the continuation of active and constructive cooperation between Tehran and the IAEA in what concerns that country's nuclear program.
Moscow speaks "for clarification of questions that the Agency still has, for strengthening of relevant confidence measures, including continuation of Iran's observing the voluntarily taken commitment to suspend work on uranium enrichment, for sooner ratification by Iran of an additional protocol to the agreement on guarantees with the IAEA," Yakovenko explained.
He said that in Moscow's opinion, such a policy of Tehran could contribute to depoliticization of the Iran issue and its transfer to the technical channel.
Kamal Kharrazi will visit Russia on May 16-17. On May 17 he will meet with Russian acting Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov.