According to him, governor Ayatskov accused of excess of his jurisdiction came to the investigator but abstained from evidencing because of the lack of an official accusation. The governor asked to postpone the interrogation till Monday because his lawyer Denis Levchenko was busy with some other case. The governor was released on his own recognizance.
Dmitry Ayatskov is accused of the illegal use of budgetary means to repay customs debts for the purchase by 20 American Case combines in August 1998.
The lawfulness of other gubernatorial statements is doubtful as well, for instance, privileges given to the Saratov regional consumers' union (Oblpotrebsoyuz) headed by Ayatskov's stepbrother Vladimir Titayev, the allocation of money from the regional budget to private citizens, etc. Up to the present day the governor managed to come off clear in spite of numerous financial scandals involving him.
"All documents will be thoroughly examined," the regional prosecutor said.