The King of Jordan and the Russian diplomat outlined the importance of the role the UN can play in the determination of the future of Iraq, which borders on Jordan.
The situation on the Palestinian territories was discussed as well. In this regard the both sides confirmed the necessity to continue efforts aimed at promotion of the peace process in the Middle East by means of the implementation of the obligations stated in the Road Map plan.
(About a year ago the USA, Russia, EU and the UN worked out a document on the stage-by-stage solution of the Palestinian issue before the end of 2005. In other words, before the stated term a new independent state of Palestinian Arabs must emerge on the political map of the world. It seemed that the interested parties found the necessary consensus. Palestinians under the leadership of Mr. Arafat were the first to support the plan. Israel in its turn was waiting. For about six hours Ariel Sharon was convincing his colleagues that only when the peace with Palestine is reached Israel can successfully develop and create the conditions for security of its citizens.) The last decade was far from being cloudless in the Palestinian-Israeli relations. Approximately one thousand of Jews were killed during this period and some ten tomes more Palestinians were killed and injured. The fates of those, who received the Noble prize for the Washington agreement, are different: Mr. Rabin was assassinated; Mr. Arafat was isolated by Israeli troops in his residence in Ramallah. Mr. Peres heads a symbolic opposition in Knesset and prepares to celebrate his 80th anniversary, to which he intends to invite US ex-President Bill Clinton.