"It is quite real to talk of winding up the most of WTO entry talks before the end of this year", the source said.
He noted that, at talks with the WTO members, Russia will not go below the mark set at the negotiations with the European Union. "The EU talks have set a tough line, below which we will no go", the source said.
He noted that intensive talks with the United States continue and their requirements are close to the European Union's.
The United States presents specific requirements regarding the protection of intellectual property rights in the sphere of audio and video products.
Negotiations with Asian countries, such as Japan, are drawing to an end. The main item here is automobile supplies.
"The main supplier of automobiles to the Russian market is the European Union. We have reached agreement with them and will no go lower", the source said. "I hope our Japanese colleagues will understand our arguments".
A regular round of talks with China will be held within this month. "China advances no simple requirements as regards services, but they are softening", he said. And added that China "is asking for special terms of access to the Russian workforce market".
"The negotiating process with the EU is not yet over and there still remain disputable points on system matters", the source noted. It regards access for foreign companies to the Russian market of state purchases, regulation of work in the services sphere, as well as application of the licensing law. "These matters will be discussed in Geneva during multilateral talks", the source said.