The first trial for them is the final examination. Somewhere they will pass in the usual way: district People's Education boards have beforehand sent to each school examination papers and subjects for compositions in literature. Some schools have adopted the Unified State Examination system. Although, according to the Russian Education and Science Ministry, the USE will not be the single check of knowledge for Russian school-leavers, they and their parents are worried by the innovation. And so are representatives of the higher educational institutions where school-leavers will send their USE results in summer.
The independent research holding ROMIR Monitoring (Russian Public Opinion and Market Research) has asked respondents: "The Unified State Examination, introduced for school-leavers this year, is simultaneously the higher-school entry exam. What do you think of this novelty?" The answers are broken down into: 39 percent of the Russians approve it, 35 percent disapprove, 20 percent do not know what to say.
The younger generation is more active, while don't-know-what-to-say answers more often came from the older generation. Young people are less worried by the innovation: 52 percent of them aged between 18 and 24 said they like it, although this category features the highest representative sample negating the innovation - 40 percent. People in the high-income bracket are also loyal to the USE: 27 percent of them "fully approve" it.
The national poll, held in mid-May, covered 1,600 adults.
Interestingly, in the end of 2002 ROMIR Monitoring sociologists asked the question: "Would you vote for USE, which eliminates the double examinations - school-leaving and entry to higher educational institutions?" More than a half of the polled (54 percent) approved the USE idea. Almost every third disliked it. People ready to vote for the USE mostly have a higher education, are businessmen and students of higher schools.