"We should point out with regret that the latest report by Amnesty International abounds in the same flaws as the previous ones. The information furnished in these reports is often biased and made-to-order," says a foreign ministry statement. This applies mostly to the situation in Chechnya.
"One gets the impression that the authors do not want to take notice of those positive shifts that have occurred in the Northern Caucasus in the recent period. This positive dynamics has been recognised by a majority of the world community," goes on the statement.
Evidence of this is the failure of the European Union-initiated one-sided and impartial resolution on the human rights situation in Chechnya at the 60th session of the UN human rights commission.
The foreign ministry believes that it is largely due to non-discrimination in the choice of information sources that leads to exaggerated facts and corruptions in the text of the report.
Meanwhile, the report ignores grave humanitarian problems in some Baltic countries.
"The selective approach to granting citizenship in these countries adds up to the further social and political alienation of the considerable part of their population. That this is true is confirmed by conclusions of the UN Human Rights Committee, the UN Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, the Council of Europe Commissar for Human Rights," says the statement.