He participated in the presidential meeting with the prizewinners of the world programming championship.
"Everybody knows that information technologies are the basis of societal development in the 21st century. Our goal is to put them at the service of Russia", Reiman said. He spoke up for the preservation of scientific schools and "cadres, doing all for people to find jobs in our country. instead of going abroad for better jobs".
He also spoke of plans of large information companies, such as Intel and ABM, to open programming centres in large cities - St.Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow.
Reiman spoke up for state support for the development of information technologies in Russia, citing the experience of India, China and Israel.
In turn, Education and Science Minister Andrei Fursenko believes that the state "should give help to colleges, universities and research institutions to prevent their break-up".
"All the high-tech industry, all the infrastructure rely on information technologies", Fursenko said. He thinks necessary the development of the existing training centres for programmers so as to maintain the high level of Russian science.
Fursenko said that, unlike their Indian colleagues, Russian programmers "are engaged in unique developments, not in cheap standard software".