MOSCOW, May 28 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's frontier guard service will be structured not as an army entity but as a special service trained to fight trans-border crime, reported Friday the federal security service (FSB) PR centre. The statement of this kind was first uttered by FSB chief Nikolai Patrushev during his April tour about the Arctic regions of Russia. He said then that the Russian frontier guards should react adequately to modern threats coming from the territories of adjacent states.
"If the military threat grows, the frontier guard service will start increasing its troop component but in peacetime, it will engage in immediate assignments and routine behaviour," noted the FSB chief.
He also made a reminder of the Russian president's instructions to pass over to fully contract-based frontier guard service.
"Firstly, we shall have to cut the number of draftees at secondary posts not connected with frontier guarding," he said "We should seek to make the frontier service attractive to would-be servicemen," resumed the FSB director.