Only two groups took part in the debates-the United Russia, which makes an overwhelming majority in parliament, and had been active in package drafting, and Liberal Democrats. Certain independent MPs joined in.
Communists and Rodina nationalists ostentatiously left the conference hall as the debates started in the morning, in protest against an amended Housing Code offered for debate. Communists are dead set against the entire package, which they deem "anti-social". The Communist Party is determined to launch protest with the Constitutional Court.
The package smoothly came through a vote even after involved committees demanded drastic amendments ready before its second reading.
The house determined to set up an ad hoc team, Vice-Speaker Georgi Boos chairing. The team will streamline the bills for a second reading, July 10 deadline to submit draft amendments-the day the house has tentatively appointed for second reading debates.
Government experts and the Kremlin staff took part in package drafting, alongside parliamentarians.
Igor Shuvalov, aide to President Vladimir Putin, addressed the house to compliment it on the big job, and thank the Duma.
As President Putin was recently making his state-of-the-nation address to parliament, he highlighted an affordable housing market among the year's top national priorities.