Trade union activists protested against current Cabinet-launched reforms they described as anti-social, and demanded better living for seniors, limited-abilities persons and the entire nation. "Wages, Employment, Law", "Preserve Labour Rights and Social Guarantees!", "Combat on Poverty-Yes! Attacks on the Poor-No!", "Hands Off Russian Education!" and "Pay Us Back Wages!" ran streamers.
Federal Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov received delegates of the Independent Russian Trade Union Federation after the rally. He addressed the media as their talks were over, saying, in part:
"A tripartite ad hoc commission represents employers, labour and the government. We appointed its maiden session for June 25 for in-depth debates of Cabinet-drafted bills." The package, which enrages trade unions, concerns duty delineation between the various administrative levels, labour remuneration in government-financed companies and offices, and social welfare of seniors and limited-abilities persons.
"We can eventually come to terms, and appease labour and employers alike where forthcoming bills are concerned. That is a tangible goal, as today's talks show," said Mr. Zhukov.
Labour action gathered more than a thousand in Saratov, major provincial and industrial centre on the Volga. "If today's national labour action is fruitless, the trade unions of Saratov will go on a big strike next autumn," warned Evgeni Rogozhin, provincial Trade Union Federation council president.
The Sverdlovsk provincial labour committee, in the Urals, arranged protest action against money grants replacing welfare privileges. The rally gathered more than 1,500 in Yekaterinburg, provincial centre and major industrial seat. The office of the presidential envoy plenipotentiary to federal district Urals, and the provincial administrative premises were picketed.
A hundred thousand rallied in protest throughout the Irkutsk Region in Siberia, announced Alexander Obolkin, provincial Trade Union Council president.
"Labour action is part and parcel of combat on poverty. We demand social guarantees preserved and enhanced." 35 per cent of the local population have incomes below a subsistence level of monthly 2,500 roubles, roughly US$80, said the labour leader.
Usually very dynamic and dramatic, action was exceptionally calm in Kuzbas, or Kuznestk Coal Basin, heart of South Siberia's mining. Labour determined not to go on strike, making do with pickets in Kemerovo, centre of the area. Protesters spoke for a closer dialogue with the federal government and parliament.