The Russian Information Agency Novosti begins Hotline coverage for Saturday, June 12, 2004.
This country is celebrating Russia Day.
* Red Square is hosting a Russia Day region parade, every part of Russia sending in a delegation.
* Russian delegates are starting for Seattle, Wash., to appear at a 9th session of the Russian-American Pacific Partnership, or RAPP. The organisation holds session in Russia and the USA, alternately. Sakhalin island was last year's venue. The organisation promotes business, environmental and educational contacts.
* The city celebrates its 1145th foundation anniversary.
* Alexander Sokolov, Culture Minister, is leading a delegation of Russian cultural activists for Russian Culture Days in Azerbaijan, June 12-16. The two Culture Ministries are expected to sign a partnership agreement for 2004-05 on the opening day.
* Russian corporate manufacturers are opening an RCI 2004 exposition. Timed to it is a forum, Russo-Canadian Trade and Economic Partnership: Realities and Vistas, June 12-14.
* European Cup football games are taking start, with a Greek-Portuguese meet, 8 p.m., Moscow time. The Russian team and the Spanish are meeting the same day at the Algarve stadium, Faro.
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