According to the expert, Bezymyanny (2,689 m) erupts powerfully but for a short time, on average one or two times a year.
Pronounced decrease in seismicity around the volcano on Sunday indicates that the eruption is going to cease. However, there still are minor dejections.
Bezymyanny's eruption began on Saturday when seismic stations around the volcano recorded powerful earthquakes and consistent volcanic tremor. Alaska Volcanology Observatory provided satellite pictures of a 200-km dejection to the southeast of the epicenter.
The previous eruption took place on January 14-15, 2004.
Although Bezymyanny's eruptions are not dangerous for Kamchatka's settlements - the nearest town Klyuchi is 40 km north of the volcano - dejections jeopardize air traffic and are dangerous for tourists, and local hunters and fishermen.