As soon as he appeared in Ingushetia, the federal President met in conference with Murat Zyazikov, his republican counterpart, to receive firsthand information about Ingush developments, and aid to the bereaved and injured. Mr. Putin had just debated the matter with Mikhail Fradkov, federal Prime Minister, he said.
He emphatically called to urgently repair all damaged military strongholds.
Mr. Putin expects the culprits and masterminds soon tracked down. "I hope you will urgently detect the crime, and seize and expose all involved in it. The search must go on as long as necessary, but the sooner it makes final success the better." he said.
"We must act tough on banditry, but not overdo the thing," added the President as he warned against headlong moves. "Whatever is done for law enforcement is to keep within legal limits."
Vladimir Putin also met Ingush elders and muftis, Mr. Gromov said to Novosti.
Before taking leave, Mr. Putin had short conference with Alexander Dzasokhov, President of North Ossetia, another North Caucasian republic within Russia.
President Putin departed by air tonight to the Russian Far East.