The document points out that the adjusted treaty ratification is an important contribution to strengthening European stability and security.
At the same time, the State Duma condemns the non-constructive position of some parties to the treaty and, first of all, NATO states, which postpone ratification of the adjusted treaty under vain pretexts, reads the statement.
"Further delay in this process, particularly, against the background of the emerging "grey zones" in Europe, related to accession of new members, and first of all the Baltic States, to the alliance, and potential deployment of NATO armaments and military facilities in these zones may endanger both the arms control process and positive trends in Russia-NATO relations", the document points out.
The statement stresses that the Russian Federation will adhere to its political commitments in terms of military restraint provided that other parties to the treaty fulfil their obligations.
The document also states that after the adjusted Treaty comes into force, the Joint Consultative Group will initiate negotiations on coordination of the admittance procedures for new countries to join the CFE Treaty and further reduction of the conventional forces potential in Europe.
The statement contains draft address to the Russian president requesting him to attach the statement to the ratification certificate and order the Russian government to maintain the conventional forces potential at the level necessary to ensure Russia's national security.