Combat against trespasses in that essential field is among top Russian government priorities as intellectual property is one of the most precious national treasures. Unlike oil or gas, it does not dwindle with the use, and its producers are prominent among national strategic resources, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov said in an opening address.
There is another burning problem in that sphere-counterfeit articles. Counterfeiting robs the country, and undermines its public image. Efforts against that evil are specially topical now that Russia is negotiating to join the World Trade Organisation.
The government is ready with a package to streamline the related legislation, enhance law enforcement, and improve customs offices' performance, especially where sound and video recordings are concerned.
All too often, counterfeit produce comes from restricted-access enterprises. The latest government decisions now open them to the police. Suspected private companies also must be fully open to checks, stressed the Premier.
Russia has made sizeable progress-the amount of counterfeit items has shrunken by 20 per cent since the year's start, he added by way of encouragement.