According to the minister, the session will handle two major sections. "The first section includes a large set of issues related to combating new threats and challenges: terrorism, drug trafficking, spread of the weapons of mass destruction. The second section deals with regional problems including the situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo and the directions, where Russia and NATO can cooperate to settle these issues in compliance with the international law," said Mr. Lavrov.
Russia is generally satisfied with the Council's work, which reflects the needs of Moscow and the alliance in cooperation towards regional security, stated the Russian foreign minister.
Russia and NATO should enhance confidence, especially taking into account Moscow's concerns over the alliance's expansion, said Sergei Lavrov.
According to him, the CFE (Conventional Forces in Europe) Treaty ratification can contribute to this end.
"The treaty is a cornerstone of Russia-NATO cooperation, since it ensures power balance in Europe and is an important factor of mutual confidence between the Russian Federation and the alliance," said Mr. Lavrov.
"It is of special importance in the situation, when NATO expansion is associated with unreasonable measures on stepping up NATO military activities on the new frontiers in the vicinity of Russia's border," emphasized the minister.
He pointed out that alongside with adoption of the CFE Treaty ratification bill Russia had adopted a statement outlining its concerns over NATO expansion.
"Russia will strictly adhere to its commitments in terms of military restraint under the treaty and the way other countries do it," said the minister.
Atthe same time, Mr. Lavrov stressed that the CFE Treaty ratification by Russia does not legally correlate to the Russian bases withdrawal from Georgia and Transdniestria (a self-proclaimed republic on Moldova's territory).
According to him, the claims to Russia with this regard "are incorrect from the legal viewpoint."
"Accords on settling the situation with the Russian military bases in Georgia and withdrawal of the bases from Transdniestria were political, but not legal. Russia fulfills the accords, providing for no strict terms," the Russian minister pointed out.
He explained that with regard to Russia's bases in Georgia there was an agreement that Moscow and Tbilisi would launch negotiations on terms and procedures of the bases withdrawal. "The negotiations began but then broke off. After the administration change and ascension of Mikhail Saakashvili several meetings have been held and an agreement on resuming the talks has been reached," Mr. Lavrov pointed out.
"I believe that in the presence of good will this issue can be settled promptly," he said. "But there is no legal link with the CFE Treaty ratification, the same applying to Transdniestria," stressed the Russian Foreign Minister.