In his opinion, the western countries resort to "looking for various excuses to detain ratification and entry into force of one of the most principal treaties in Europe - the CFE Treaty, which, in case of its adoption, could contribute to strengthening stability and security in the European continent".
According to Mr. Chernov, some CFE Treaty member-states, and NATO countries first of all, "under different, mostly vain pretexts delay ratification of the CFE Treaty Adjustment Agreement".
"Further delay in this process, particularly, against the background of the emerging "grey zones", not covered by the CFE Treaty, in Europe, including first of all the territories of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and potential deployment of NATO troops, armaments and military facilities in these zones may endanger both the arms control process and positive trends in Russia-NATO relations", the head of Russia's delegation to Vienna quoted the Russian State Duma's statement.
According to Mr. Chernov, "NATO, willingly or not, has made itself problems in terms of the CFE Treaty Adjustment Agreement ratification by insisting on the concurrence of the ratification process with the issues of the Russian Armed Forces' presence in Georgia and Moldova".
"We are adherent to the commitments regarding Georgia and Moldova, which we undertook at the summit in Istanbul in 1999, but in this we follow our national interests, while the western countries' coupling of the CFE Treaty Adjustment Agreement ratification with the "Georgian" and "Moldavian" issues does not facilitate, but, on the contrary, impedes Moscow's bilateraltalks with Tbilisi and Kishinev", Mr. Chernov emphasized.
The Russian representative pointed out that "the political games around the CFE Treaty Adjustment Agreement ratification had been played for too long, while the CFE Treaty would configure the European security and answer the question whether new boundaries would appear in the Old World".
"The CFE Treaty is the foundation that could mount equal relations of security and peace in Europe", stressed Mr. Chernov.
In conclusion he expressed hope that other CFE Treaty member-states would finally use responsible approach and take concrete steps, which would ensure prompt entry of the Agreement into force. "It would meet all the parties' interests and promote peace and stability in Europe", said the head of Russia's delegation.