With regard to today's ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court's Appeals Instance, bringing into effect the resolution to recover 99.4 billion rubles of tax payments from YUKOS, the company states that "it will undertake all the necessary actions to comply with all judicial acts of the Moscow Arbitration Court and fully cooperate with the executive and other state bodies".
YUKOS hopes that the former Taxation Ministry's refusal to consider the draft amicable agreement does not show that the end-state of the "YUKOS case" is its artificial bankruptcy, says the statement.
In the company's opinion, the bankruptcy "undoubtedly does not correspond either to the interests of the Russian Federation or to the interests of 60,000 shareholders, 105,000 employees and millions of YUKOS' partners and products consumers".
The company believes that the Taxation Ministry's steps run counter the statements of Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin and other members of the cabinet on "the government's disinterest in YUKOS' bankruptcy".
The statement emphasizes that the company has paid taxes in good faith and in compliance with the Russian legislation.