According to the head of the excavating team chief expert of the Novgorod Museum Sergei Troyanovsky, judging by the abundance of slags and semi-processed bones, they have hit a potter-and-bone-carver area.
At a depth of six meters the diggers found a fragment of an ancient waste disposal system, made of coniferous wood. These wooden pipes looked as if waste had been released through them.
Since mid-April many great discoveries have been made near the Official Area of the Novgorod kremlin - remainders of an ancient pavement and a fence at the Prussian Street, with a noble house likely to have been behind the fence. For it is located very close to the kremlin walls, this house might have accommodated a great noble family.
In addition, some artifacts of the Swedish occupation of 1611-1617 and a 13th to 14th century Slavic burial place were found.
Excavation in the kremlin is not over yet, and the team comes closer to the layers that could contain artifacts from the 10th to 11th centuries.
There is another meter to go, they say, since the "prime rock" as experts call it is located at a depth of seven meters.