He disagrees with the widespread opinion that the number of possible buyers of Russian arms and military equipment has reached the limit, Russia is losing markets and the volume of Russian military exports will now only be falling.
"If only one government mediator remains and we ensure unfailing supply of space parts to buyers of our equipment (indeed, if you buy a car and know it can be easily repaired, you will certainly buy this model in the future), we will preserve our market," Chemezov is sure.
He admitted that "foreign competition is tough and to secure the level we have achieved our industry has to work smoothly, ensuring the emergence of new updated kinds of equipment and updating the equipment supplied earlier."
In the opinion of the Rosoboronexport general director, "modernization of the earlier supplied Soviet and Russian equipment" is crucial for preserving Russia's positions on the world arms market.
"It is a very big market of foreign trade because our machines are spread worldwide and not any country can buy something new for lack of money. Modernization is easier, broadening the capabilities of our equipment at a smaller price," he explained.
Chemezov believes that only red tape can stand in the way of the defense industrial sector. "Domestic problems related to our legislation are the bottleneck," the Rosoboronexport chief admits.
According to new government resolutions, in order to get order documents for, for instance, supply of spare parts one only has to be okayed by the top officials of the corresponding ministries and agencies, he said.
"An ordinary directorof a defense works has to spend two to three years to make up a license for trade in spare parts or overhaul of the system," Chemezov said. He explained that only in the Defense Ministry up to 40 signatures in the different lower authorities have to be collected before receiving the minister's endorsement.
Chemezov said that Rosoboronexport has made a proposal: in selling military equipment, the general license is to be issued for further sale of spares and overhaul. This, he believes, will improve the post-sale servicing for foreign customers, making the import of Russian arms more attractive.