"The Kyoto Protocol is one of the major international adventures in the world history", he said.
None of the assertions "allegedly scientifically underlying the Kyoto Protocol is confirmed by research data", Illarionov said.
"Supporters of the Kyoto Protocol would not hold discussions or answer specific questions", the presidential economic aide said.
"There is no connection between the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air and the temperature changes (global warming). If there is, it is opposite", Illarionov said.
To him, the statistics cited by supporters of the protocol is distorted or forged.
Illarionov called man-hating and totalitarian the ideology underlying the Kyoto Protocol.
"It is mythical, nonsensical and absurd", he said.
Supporters of ratification wage an undeclared war against all of Russia, including the left- and right-wingers, liberals and conservatives, business and the Federal Security Service, Illarionov declared.
"They cynically say that a population increase is not expected in Russia. It is even going to decline. This is why, they maintain, Russia will easily observe the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol", Illarionov noted.
As regards Russian supporters of ratification, Illarionov said that "in war, there is always a place for the fifth column. Such people are making use of all the resources, from bribery to intimidation and blackmail".