MOSCOW, July 8 (RIA Novosti) - The banking crisis is the result of unprofessional and incorrect actions by some state power bodies, Andrei Illarionov, the president's adviser on economic issues, told journalists on Thursday.
"One should have tried hard to organize a banking crisis in the present condition of the Russian economy," Illarionov said.
"The July banking crisis in Russia, the way we can call it now, is the result of unprofessional and incorrect actions by a number of state power bodies. These actions triggered the crisis on the financial market," he said.
The officials' actions will result in socialization of the banking system, said the presidential adviser. "One of the bright examples is the purchase by Vneshtorgbank of GUTA-bank in distress," Illarionov said.
The adviser refrained from forecasts of the situation development and from giving advice to journalists on whether to withdraw deposits from Russian banks or not.