On Sunday's night, unknown criminals shot Tamara Khadzhieva, head of the United Russia's district division, in Shali. Several masked men broke into Tamara Khadzhieva's house and potted her.
Mr. Klintsevich emphasized that "she was the 29th head and member of the executive committee of the party's regional organization in Chechnya, who had been massacred by the terrorists".
Tamara Khadzhieva was an active and influential member of the party, her opinion being listened to by everybody.
"The assassination of Mrs. Khadzhieva is a serious strategic action, an element of intimidating the people working for the United Russia's regional division in Chechnya", said Mr. Klintsevich.
Against the background of the upcoming presidential elections in the republic it is a very serious action aimed at influencing opinions and actions of many persons.
At the same time, he stressed that the federal authority and the powers, representing it in the republic, were capable of holding the presidential elections in Chechnya despite possible provocations. "The main thing is to have people come to the polling stations and express their will", said the member of parliament.
He also pointed out that it was necessary to ensure equal rights for all candidates for the head of the republic. "It is the principle criterion the elections will be judged under by the international observers and all observers of other organizations", emphasized Franz Klintsevich.