This was said live on Qatar TV channel Al Jazeera by Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, who is on a visit to Moscow.
"We know that Russia possesses a tremendous experience in this sphere, and the Russian authorities agreed to help Iraq train specialists in this field in case the Iraqi government sends a relevant letter to the Russian leadership," said the minister.
In Mr. Zebari's words, if this issue is resolved positively, then Iraqi policemen will be trained in Russia or directly on the territory of countries neighboring on Iraq.
All contracts concluded by the previous Iraqi regime with Russian companies will be checked by a special commission. The Iraqi Foreign Minister said that "during the visit, an understanding was reached to appoint representatives of the Iraqi and Russian governments to check all Russian contracts concluded under the previous Iraqi regime, including within the framework of the UN Oil for Food program."
He emphasized that "the Iraqi government will respect and realize all contracts if they are found legal during this check."