The official web site of the government placed a document on Saturday where raising the population's living standard was named one of the priority trends of the cabinet's activity aimed at ensuring high and stable rates of economic growth.
Besides, the government's activity will be aimed at elimination of structural restrictions of economic growth, contribution to raising the competitiveness of Russian companies, strengthening their positions in the domestic and foreign markets.
Among the main trends of the cabinet's activity, the document names social-economic development of regions and rational integration of Russia into the world economy.
"Acceleration of economic growth is possible only on the basis of macroeconomic stability based on the following principles: consecutive reduction of inflation rates; conducting a weighty monetary and credit policy to ensure going over to full convertibility of the ruble without its excessive consolidation; maintaining a balanced federal budget with further reduction of the tax burden on the economy and considerable raise of efficiency of its expenditures," says the document.
As priority trends of the government's social and economic policy, named was providing citizens with affordable housing.
"Now the housing problem is not resolved satisfactorily in the country. The fund of housing not corresponding to the modern living standards is too big. Only 7-10% of the most well off citizens can afford to buy modern housing," reads the document.
The section "development of housing and communal services" names as the main aims raising the quality of communal services, ensuring the availability of these services for the population.
Education system modernization stands separately in the Main Trends of the government's activity.
"The establishedsystem of education does not fully correspond to the demands of the labor market; over half of higher educational establishments' graduates cannot find jobs in line with their speciality, which reduces the inflow of qualified personnel to the real sector of the economy," reads the document.
As regards the sphere of healthcare, the government intends to seek raising the availability and quality of medical care.
To increase the efficiency of social support of citizens who need state assistance, the government needs to take a number of measures. For example, to ensure the replacement of benefits with monetary compensations or a social services package, to work out the procedure of providing these social services.
Besides, the document notes the necessity to develop forms of private-state partnership in the social sphere.
As regards the development of the oil and gas sector and transport infrastructure, reads the document, first of all, it's necessary to expand the possibilities of oil exportation to European countries by means of commissioning a new section of the Baltic Pipeline System.
"The Russian government must focus resources on completing in the coming two years the following infrastructure projects: construction of the Ust-Luga trade sea port [Leningrad region], reconstruction and development of access ducts and water areas of the sea port of St. Petersburg; creation of a railway ferry complex in Baltiisk [Kaliningrad region]; development of Far Eastern ports," notes the document.
Creation of a national network of highways was also mentioned as a priority project.