The committee establishment is a preventive step-though one cannot say that fascism exists in Estonia, authorities are ominously turning a blind eye to neo-nazi philosophy. Young people conceal the pernicious ideas behind a fashion for Nazi symbolism, while politicians and statesmen approve monuments erected to Estonians who fought in World War II on the German side in an SS division.
The committee will register all practical and ideational manifestations of neo-nazism and xenophobia. That will be its primary duty. "We want to put out a Black Book that will comprise all such instances," says Mr. Zarenkov.
The committee will have a regional structure, with Tallinn for its centre. Activists will work free, on a voluntary basis. The name "Anti-fascist Committee" is only tentative, and may eventually change, he added.
The committee will be registered as an Estonian-based NGO by September's end, our informant said assuredly.