Essentially, it is as follows. A genetic structure with the gene that codes for the growth of arteries - angiogenine - is introduced into the muscular tissue. When it gets inside the cell the structure sets down to work, as a result of which the body begins to produce the factors required for the growth of vessels. Researchers tested their design on test animals with artificially produced pedal ischemia. After an injection of the DNA coding for angiogenine synthesis, the density of the capillary network in the affected muscles increased about 1.3 times. No pathological changes in body parts in the group of test animals happened.
Scientists have assured themselves that, when introduced into the living organism, original genetic engineering structures with the angiogenine gene encourage the growth of blood vessels also in tissues with insufficient blood supply. If the genetic engineering method of treating ischemia becomes clinical practice, doctors will be able to save many hopeless cases defying treatment by medicines or operations.