"By the data of the meteorological service of the Gromov aerodrome on which the festival is being held, the weather conditions are favorable for flights and, therefore, the flights will start after 2 p.m. Moscow time in accordance with the program if no unforeseen deterioration of weather is observed," a representative of the organizing committee said.
He recalled that exhibition performances by the Russian flying groups Russkiye Vityazi and Strizhi on the MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft will be held on Sunday. Furthermore, the flyers of the Italian group Freccie Tricolori will demonstrate their piloting skill on the Mirage-2000 airplanes.
As it is expected, the Su-30MKI and other aircraft will also be presented to the public.
Despite the rainy weather in Moscow from the morning, the sky over Zhukovsky cleared by the middle of the day, and it is not raining, which will enable the flyers to show aerobatics performances.
Numerous visitors arrived at the aerodrome, and a vast entertainment program has been prepared for them.