It is for the fifth time that Russia's frigate has come to this annual sailing mecca, attracting ships from all Europe for the 14th time this year.
Early in July, the Standard set out from St. Petersburg on a tour around the Baltic and North seas, changing three crews over that time. "The third shift, that is on board now, consists of 30 winners of a special competition. They are all young, averaging 22 years of age, and prevailingly females (95%)," noted the project manager.
The ship has shown up at many festivals during its voyage. Among them are Brest 2004, Tall Ship Race and Baltic Sail.
The Standard, which will wind up its cruise with participation in the antique ships show to be staged from August 24 to 30 in the Danish city of Odense, is due in St. Petersburg on September 15.
It is an exact copy of the three-mast sailing ship built in the early 18th century according to Russian Emperor Peter the Great's design. Begun to be built in 1994 at the initiative of Russian ship-builder Vladimir Martus, the new ship was ceremoniously named as Standard in May 1998 and has ever since been involved in many voyages, festivals and other events.