"Moldova was set free with the Jassi-Chisinau operation. It exemplified the valour of Soviet soldiers who shed their blood for victory over nazism.
"It also exemplified wise strategies. The enemy lost eighteen divisions in that huge operation, which brought the Moldovan nation its long-awaited freedom.
"Every inch of this land was soaked in heroic liberators' blood. Many city streets were named in those soldiers' honour. Revisionists now spare no effort to force their names into oblivion. They extol fascist hangmen as national heroes. Yet the truth and reverential memory proved stronger than time-serving political moves. That was so, and it will ever be so," said the President.
He made a grim retrospect of the war years. Nazis deported for hard labour, tortured and exterminated hundreds of thousands of civilians-Russians, Jews, Moldovans and members of many other ethnic entities.
"Much remains to be done yet to preserve the memory of those heinous years. Even more must be done for those who valiantly fought in the war, and later shifted to everyday peaceful labour. We are eternally indebted to veterans," said President Voronin.