Igor Yusufov was born in Derbent, Daghestani autonomous republic, June 12, 1956. He has degrees in electric engineering and international economics.
Engineer, Mosenergo Co. Senior expert, Havana thermal power plant construction, Cuba.
1990s, Vice-chair, Committee for Protection of Russian Economic Interests under the President of the Russian Federation
Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Contacts
Managerial officer, Rosvooruzhenie government arms-dealing company
First Deputy Chair, subsequently Chair, State Committee for Government Reserves
Director General, Russian Government Reserves Agency
June 16, 2001-February 24, 2004, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation
With another decree, President Vladimir Putin dismissed Victor Kaluzhny from his posts of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and special presidential envoy for Caspian Sea status settlement. Mr. Kaluzhny will have another appointment, says the Kremlin press service.
Victor Kaluzhny was born in Birsk, Bashkir autonomous republic, April 18, 1947. Graduated from the Ufa Petroleum Institute. Was employed in the oil-and-gas complex, and worked for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Was member of the Tomsk regional legislature, Siberia.
December 7, 1998, appointed First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Power Industry
May 1999-May 2000, Minister of Fuel and Power Industry in the Sergei Stepashin and subsequently the Vladimir Putin Cabinet
May 31, 2000, appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and special presidential envoy for Caspian Sea status settlement.