Russia's trade with foreign countries amounted to $105.1 billion, i.e., 22.1% more than the respective last year's figure, and with CIS countries - to $24.7 billion (38.3% more).
Russia had an export surplus over the January-July period which amounted to $50.1 billion (as against $42,9 billion last year).
Russia's exports over the January-July period of 2004 reached $90 billion (a 22.5% increase from the January-July figure of 2003), with exports to foreign countries amounting to $74.9 billion (up by 19.8%), and to CIS countries - to $15.1 billion (up by 37.8%).
In the commodity structure of Russia's exports to foreign countries, the share of fuel and energy goods in the January-July period of 2004 constituted 57% of Russia's total exports to those countries (as against 60.9% in the respective last year's period), metals and the articles thereof - 19.1% (14.2%), chemical industry products - 6.4% (6.3%), and machinery and equipment - 6% (6.5%).
In the commodity structure of exports to CIS countries, the share of products of the fuel and energy complex in the January-July period of 2004 was 44% of Russia's total exports to those countries (as against 43.7% in the respective last year's period), machinery and equipment - 22.4% (21.8%), chemical industry products - 10.2% (10.9%), and metals and the articles thereof - 9.6% (9.3%).
Russia's imports over the January-July period of 2004 reached $39.8 billion (a 30.4% increase from the January-July figure of 2003), with imports from foreign countries amounting to $30.2 billion (up by 28%), and from CIS countries - to $9.6 billion (up by 38.9%).
In the commodity structure of Russia's imports from foreign countries, the share of machinery and equipment was 44.8% (as against 39.8% in the respective last year's period), foodstuffs and raw materials for their production - 18.2% (22.7%), and chemical industry products - 18% (18.2%).
In the commodity structure of Russia's imports from CIS countries, the share of foodstuffs and raw materials for their production was 21.3% (as against 21% in the respective last year's period), machinery and equipment - 20.2% (18.3%), metals and the articles thereof - 19.1% (16.9%), and chemical industry products - 11.4% (13.3%).
The European Union occupies a special place in Russia's foreign trade as its major economic partner. EU countries accounted for 36.3% of Russia's foreign trade turnover over the January-April period of 2004, and after the EU's expansion to as many as 25 countries, it accounted for 47.7% of Russia's trade in the May-July period.
CIS countries accounted for 19% of Russia's trade in the January-July period of 2004 (as against 17.2% in the respective last year's period), EurAzEc countries - for 10.6% (9.6%), and the APEC countries - for 17.4% (16.1%).