"Mobility is an urgent issue," he said, "Russia's defense budget for 2005 is 471 billion rubles ($1 is about 29 rubles - Ed.), while the real planned expenditure on all programs will be 573 billion rubles."
"On the surface, it is a great amount," the minister said. However, he remarked, the defense budget stays at a level of 2.6% to 2.7% of GDP.
"We are always short of money. For instance, conscription campaigns and all military commissioners' expenses are paid by the Defense Ministry," Ivanov complained.
He also emphasized that "on the whole there are 145,000 families of military servicemen, of which 91,000 do not have their own house to live in."
On the issue of cooperation with the U.S. in the global war on terror, Ivanov said, "We have talked with U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld two times. Both the people and the armed forces understand better that the [terrorist] threat is very serious because both Russia and the U.S. have suffered [terror] attacks."
"In this respect it would be easier for us to find grounds for understanding with the U.S. than with other European countries," the Russian minister went on.
According to Ivanov, the latest terrorist attacks in Russia have been very well organized and enjoyed substantial financial support.
"The latest series of attacks indicates that this war is becoming a system, and we are facing a powerful adversary," he said. "This does not mean that there are many of [enemy fighters] around, but they are well organized and enjoy substantial financial support."
According to the minister, two Army sappers were wounded by gunfire in the rescue operation in Beslan.
"We have encircled the school in two hours after the seizure. In addition, our units were responsible for transport and technical support as the option of assault was enforced on us," he added. "Our sappers entered the school right on the backs of Alfa fighters."
According to Ivanov, the sappers defused 127 bombs.
"One bomb was suspended under the basketball ring, and our sappers were aware that it would go off within minutes because of high temperature. Two were wounded by gunfire as they rushed to defuse it and carry the children away," the minister concluded.