MOSCOW, September 13 (RIA Novosti's Olga Semyonova) - Leading bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States are gathering for simultaneous sessions in Astana, Kazakh capital, September 15-16. The agenda will focus on consolidating international anti-terror efforts, Alexander Yakovenko, official spokesman of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in today's statement.

"In the context of the latest tragic developments in the Russian Federation, the session agendas will concentrate o consolidating CIS countries' efforts against international terrorism. CIS countries' leaders will come up with an appropriate statement. It is being drafted now.

"The conferees will sign crucial documents on building up efforts against terrorism, organised crime, drug trafficking and illegal migrations.

"The Astana sessions will also pay major attention to trade and other economic links on which the entire Commonwealth rests," said Mr. Yakovenko.

He highlighted a Ukrainian initiative on which the conferees will take stock of negative influences that hamper the progress of multilateral commercial and economic partnership within the CIS.

The diplomat pointed out a document the CIS countries' leaders are to sign on an upcoming address of the CIS heads of state to the CIS nations and to the world a propos the 60th anniversary of victory in World War II.

Several CIS countries called the United Nations to enter on the agenda of its 59th General Assembly an item on which the UN ought to proclaim Memory and Reconciliation Days on May 8 and 9. Now, the CIS Council of Heads of State will consider information about the initiative being implemented, Alexander Yakovenko went on.

Several papers will be signed without discussing them. These documents are through necessary procedures within particular countries. The point concerns, in particular, amending and enlarging documents on competence delineation between the CIS Council of Heads of State and the CIS Prime-Ministerial Council, and the Statutes of the CIS Economic Council and Foreign-Ministerial Council.

The Astana conferees are also expected to approve a concept of CIS countries' interregional and frontier partnership. The concept will provide the grounds for further enhancing contacts between Commonwealth countries' frontier and other regions, Mr. Yakovenko said with emphasis.

The heads of four CIS countries signatory to an United Economic Environment agreement-Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine-will hold summitry in Astana. They intend to approve a list of priority international legal documents to remove obstacles to the four countries' commerce, and to establish necessary instruments of a customs union and a united competitive environment, added the Foreign Ministry spokesman.

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