MOSCOW, September 14 (RIA Novosti) - Regional leaders are approving President Vladimir Putin's ideas for an administrative reform.

Our correspondents are reporting from essential regional centres.

ROSTOV-ON-DON. Regional governor Vladimir Chub is enthusiastic about the proposed arrangement: "That will be a reasonable thing to do. It will make the state administration stronger. The reform, I am sure, will benefit Russia and help to settle certain administrative problems." Mr. Chub does not rule out the change eventually involving municipal bodies.

NOVOSIBIRSK. "The goal of the reform the federal President has proposed is laid bare for all to see: it aims to strengthen the ruling vertical and the entire administration. A governor nominated by the head of state and elected by the regional diet will certainly get the President's support and, at the same time, have the backing of a representative body elected by the people," says Leonid Polezhayev, Omsk regional governor.

"This country is getting through a transition period. What else can we offer with an immature community, an election system that leaves much to be desired, and a weak economy? This is a must, what with national security endangered. What we need is a unified administrative system throughout the country."

As for party tickets to become sole arrangement in parliamentary elections, Mr. Polezhayev thinks an MP who has come through his political party sieve is far more efficient than an independent parliamentarian elected in a constituency.

YEKATERINBURG. "We shall never put an end to slackness, irresponsibility and graft now rampant on local tops unless we do what President Putin is offering," says Eduard Rossel, Sverdlovsk regional governor.

He is sure all governors elected by now will work unhampered each to the end of his term, and those who prove they cope will have a chance to stay on the post through appointment.

Mr. Rossel prefers the prospective pattern to present-day elections-an appointed governor will extend his rights and duties, for instance, to have an impact on local self-government bodies.

"Either we put a barrier to terrorism now or we shall bury democracy," he stressed.

UFA. President Vladimir Putin's latest initiatives "are of essential importance. They are sure to greatly influence this country's further progress", holds President Murtaza Rakhimov of Bashkortostan.

ST. PETERSBURG. Russia's national security is in danger, so whatever moves to buttress national unity are justified now, strengthening the administrative vertical being no exception, says Speaker Vadim Tyulpanov of the municipal legislature.

"I don't see whatever contradiction in an arrangement on which governors will be elected indirectly, by regional diets. This pattern preserves the democratic tradition and, at the same time, guarantees the Russian Federation's unity in the face of a threat from abroad," he remarked.

Mr. Tyulpanov expects the reform to put an end, once and for all, to rivalry of local executives and legislators-the diets will confirm gubernatorial nominations and so will feel wholly responsible for whatever the governor would do, while the governor will be hard put shrugging off the diet's opinions.

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