"Russia has a vast potential, a high level of education, special top-level know-how in many areas," Ms. Luhtanen said. She is convinced that "these advantages will be most useful for Russia."
Finland as a EU member can pass to Russian colleagues its experience in market regulation, she believes.
Ms. Luhtanen noted that the development of the market economy and democracy in Russia, the state bodies' desire for market liberalization, cooperation with the European Union, as well as the talks to join the World Trade Organization pave the ground for freer trade, economic growth and a higher wellbeing for Russians.
Ms. Luhtanen also said that on Monday she discussed with Russian Information Technologies and Communications Minister Leonid Reiman matters of communications legislation. Mr. Reiman noted, she said, that Russia is seeking to dovetail its relative legislation with European.
"If such legislation is along the lines of that in different countries, this will prompt the development of trade and economic relations," the Finnish minister stressed.
She said that in discussion at the Monday meeting were also matters of standardization and certification, development of broadband communications and digital television.
"We've both said that an exchange of opinions on different questions is crucial for a broader cooperation and decided to hold another meeting at least in early 2005," Ms. Luhtanen said.
In 2003 Finland supplied to Russia 703.3 million euros' worth of telecommunications, 322.5 million euros of electric and network equipment, she said.