NEW DELHI, September 22 (RIA Novosti's Natalia Shilo) - India is interested in closer partnership with Russia in high technologies and consumer-oriented production, says Kapeel Sibal, Minister of Human Resource, Science, Technology and Ocean Development.

Apart those two fields, India has long-established partnership with Russia in defence, aircraft design and manufacture, and production of medicines and medical equipment, to say nothing of many other fields. The two countries' research communities have retained close links, and can work on together, the minister said to a news conference for an upcoming Russian-Indian show, Technological Summit and the Technological Platform.

Mr. Sibal is glad to see ever closer bilateral ties for consumer goods manufacture. India is determined to step up such partnership, he reassured.

As for India's further progress, the government is determined to promote automotive and textile industries and farming technologies on a priority arrangement, added the minister.

A tenth conference/exposition, Technological Summit and the Technological Platform, or Techsummit 2004, will be held in New Delhi, October 19-20. The Ministry of Human Resource, Science, Technology and Ocean Development, and the Confederation of Industry are chief organisers on the host country's part, and the Russian Academy of Sciences, for Russia.

More than twenty applications to appear at the Techsummit have come up from Russia for today. The event is expected to have 150 corporate exhibitors and conferees by the opening day-fifty for Russia and a hundred for India, the organisers said to Novosti.

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