They will set up a bilateral ad hoc team to coordinate efforts against transnational organised crime. In particular, databases are pooled in concerning international terrorist leaders and ranks, and their contacts.
The understanding was made as Rashid Nurgaliev, Russia's Interior Minister and National Security Council chief, held conference in Moscow today with Giora Island, Israeli prime-ministerial national security adviser.
As the conferees agreed, singlehanded efforts cannot efficiently cope with international terrorism and other latter-day threats and challenges. That is possible only in an alliance, and in close compliance with international legal norms and principles. The United Nations must enhance its leading role in the cause, and the anti-terror coalition is in duty bound to retain its unity.
The combat is to be spearheaded solely against terrorism, which has no religious purport or ethnic colouring-and cannot have them, for that matter. Likewise, double standards must be ruled out in the cause, ministerial PR stress in a statement.