"We have been with Georgia. Enough is enough! Russia is the country economic integration with which we are pondering now. We are discussing with it the chances to live, someday, in an independent state as any other," the presidential hopeful said to a RIA Novosti reporter, when asked about his political priorities.
Abkhazia is determined to stick to peaceful means as it strives to be internationally recognised, he reassured. "We want to work for international recognition just as other countries in the world have been doing. Take Europe. Czechia and Slovakia had a peaceful divorce. New states have emerged in Yugoslavia, too. Why can't Abkhazia be a free country working for independence? We shall do it with peaceful means at our disposal, and we shall try to prove that we are a fulfilled country. [Today's] poll will show whether we are able to establish a normal democratic state."
Abkhazia elects its president for a five-year term. More than a half of votes are enough to win. The Central Election Commission invalidates an election if less than a half of the registered franchised population comes to the polls. If no hopeful scores more than 50% of votes, the commission appoints a runoff for the two topmost candidates.
The local people RIA Novosti interviewed yesterday said they were determined to vote.
Abkhazia was not to have whatever extraordinary security arrangements with the poll-even emergency police units were not to be alerted, Astamur Tarba, acting Prime Minister, said to our reporter the same day.
There are five running for presidency-Sergei Bagapsh, Director General of the government company Chernomorenergo; Anri Dzherghenia, once Prime Minister; Yakub Lakoba, Popular Party leader; Prime Minister Raul Khadzhimba; and Sergei Shamba, former Foreign Minister.
The Georgian-Abkhaz conflict broke out early in the 1990s, after Georgia deprived the republic of autonomy. A warfare started in August 1992 to last through September 1993. An agreement on ceasefire and drawing belligerent forces apart was signed in Moscow, May 14, 1994. The Commonwealth of Independent States introduced a peacekeeping force in the conflict zone a month later. There are only Russian soldiers on the contingent.