"However hard it might be on a country, it ought to rest on the law and democratic principles as it builds up anti-terror combat," he said upon arrival to Beijing from a visit to North Korea.
Mr. Lebedev referred to his recent conference with spokesmen of intellectual circles, during which certain debaters were calling to toughen Russian laws and their administration. "Some people said court proceedings were to get as quick as possible. One went so far as to call to re-establish troikas [meaning extraordinary judicial bodies of three, notorious for merciless sentences as Stalin's atrocities reached their peak]. That would be an inadmissible prospect!" said the court president.
The Shanghai Six (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) has scheduled a symposium for next year's start to discuss building up the anti-terror cause in its judicial and legislative aspects. Vyacheslav Lebedev and China's Xiao Yang, Supreme People's Court President, came to a preliminary agreement for the event as they met in conference yesterday. China has been appointed to host it.
"The symposium will discuss how to bolster up anti-terror efforts, and what it will take to nip an epidemic of obscurantist extremism that is sweeping the world," said Mr. Lebedev.
Justice is to rest on democratic principles. "We are not to allow emotion to overwhelm us," he pointed out.
The Supreme Courts of Russia and North Korea are drafting a partnership agreement. At present, determining that field of bilateral contacts are bylaws dated back to the late 1950s. "That is wrong and not to put up with," our interviewee went on.
It is a must for Russia and North Korea to smooth up contacts between their judiciaries and law-administering agencies, considering many North Koreans employed in Russia.
As Mr. Lebedev met the host country's spokesmen at the negotiation table, and understanding was made for information exchanges on legislation and judicial practice. There are prospects for Russia's Justice Academy to accept North Korean judges for postgraduate training. "North Koreans were enthusiastic about the offers the Russian delegation was making," he added.
Once in Pyongyang, Vyacheslav Lebedev was negotiating with Kim Yong Nam, Supreme People's Assembly Presidium Chairman. They discussed prospects for closer law-based mutually beneficial contacts between Russia and North Korea.
The delegation led by Vyacheslav Lebedev arrived in North Korea, September 29. It appeared in Beijing, October 2, on a one-day visit.