Mr. Putin forwarded a message of congratulations to Federal President Hans Koeler and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.
The message says, in part:
"Linking Russia and Germany today are strategic partnership and genuine goodneighbourly relations. The Russo-German political dialogue is dynamically stepped up. All-round business, cultural and humanitarian contacts are making progress. Uniting our two countries are shared stances on essential global developments and a desire to give a joint rebuff to the latest threats and challenges, and come at the best possible solution of key contemporary issues.
"As the world has come against atrocious manifestations of international terrorism, we Russians see Germany as a reliable ally in combat against that evil-an ally who is, just as Russia, working to build up efforts for stronger security in Europe and the entire world.
"A fruitful dialogue and mutually lucrative partnership of our two countries will carry on their dynamic progress to the benefit of the Russian and German nations. Of that, I am convinced."