"Regrettably, the ministries have failed to agree upon quoting and sale of such products", Agricultural Minister Alexei Gordeev said after a sitting of his governmental commission on the agroindustrial and fisheries complex.
At a sitting on Thursday, the commission removed from discussion the matter of amending and making additions to the federal law On the State Regulation of the Production and Sale of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products.
Amendments were submitted to the State Duma back on November 17, 2001 and were adopted in first reading in May 2003.
Gordeev noted that still unregulated are - fixing of quotas on the production of ethyl alcohol, preservation of quotas on purchases of ethyl alcohol, quoting of purchases of unpacked alcohol-containing products, as well as state regulation of prices on ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.
The Agricultural Ministry has been instructed within two weeks to hold a conference so as to coordinate these questions with the economic agencies.
To Gordeev, the commission will reconsider this question at a sitting in late October.
The commission noted that about 40 percent of the alcohol market turnover is illegal and an efficient system of control of this market must be created and the role of the state increased.