Most people think that the rich are enthusiastic people, rather greedy, indifferent to the country's fate, not very honest, educated, good professionals, hard-working.
The poor for most people are kind, patient, lawful and hard-working, though hard drinkers.
In the opinion of most pollees, the rich earn more than 20,000 rubles per family member a month ($1 equals 29.22 rubles).
Now the number of the rich is 5%, just like 10 years ago, or some 7 million people, while up to 30% have managed to go up the poverty line.
For 90% of the pollees, poverty is the living standard a bit below what they have. Many people think that the "poverty line" is just above 1,500 rubles per capita a month. Some 30% of the population are at this level, by Russians' assessments.
The share of Russians who are in conditions of poverty totals 23.4%. Half of them earn less than 1,500 rubles, others - up to 3,000 rubles.
There is still no clear dividing line between different social strata.
48.6% believe that when the poor and the rich are close to each other, it helps part of the poor to go up the social scale.
28.4% of the pollees are not focused on becoming rich; 50% wouldn't agree to sacrifice something which is important for them for a million dollars. Middle class Russians are the main candidates who are ready to change citizenship or move to another country to receive a million dollars.