In an easy profit race, many employers are taking on low-paid immigrant hands, who have flocked many parts of Russia, he said to a 12th annual Budapest Process conference, which took start in St. Petersburg today.
Aboveboard immigrant-hiring employers paid more than 1.5 billion roubles, roughly US$50 million, to the federal purse last year alone, while illegal employers were fined a lump 600 million roubles.
Terrorists and criminals are hiding among job-hunters to penetrate Russia. That is the direst fruit of illegal immigration, said Mr. Chernenko.
Statistics specify annual illegal immigration to CIS countries at four to ten million, Russia and Ukraine leading, with Russia for the most desirable point of destination, and Ukraine principal transit route to other CIS countries.
Russia issued more than ten million migration certificates within the two preceding years. Russia and Belarus signed an agreement last year to unify their certificate patterns, said Andrei Chernenko, who expects other CIS countries to join in.