"The Parties believe that there cannot be "double standards " in the struggle against terrorism. It is only by pooling joint efforts of all states that it is possible to do away with international terrorism. Neither perpetrators of the terrorist acts nor their inspirers and sponsors should avoid responsibility. The Parties note that poverty, backwardness, social injustice, extremist ideology, conflicts and wars serve as nutritive milieu for terrorism," the document says.
Russia and China confirmed that terrorists and separatists from Chechnya and "Eastern Turkestan" is a component part of international terrorism. They should become an object of joint anti-terrorist struggle of the global community," the Declaration says.
"China is well aware of and resolutely supports all actions Russia is taking to restore the constitutional order in the Chechen Republic and to combat terrorism. Russia supports all measures China is taking to combat terrorists and separatists of the "Eastern Turkestan" and eliminate the threat of terrorism," the document says.
Russia and China deem it necessary that all international disputes and crisis situations be settled under the UN aegis on the basis of the generally acknowledged principles of the international law.
As the Declaration says, "any forcible actions are to be approved by the UN Security Council and should be carried out under its relevant control."
The Parties stressed that the spirit and the principles written down in the UN Charter remain the basic principles and it is necessary to abide by them in international affairs'" the Declaration says.
Moscow and Beijing " have surveyed the available possibilities and advantages of the UN in resolving major international and regional issues and are coming out in support of multi-sided approaches, the development and strengthening of the Role played by the UN and the UN Security Council," the document stresses.
The Parties also noted the necessity of carrying out a relevant reform of the UN Security Council to buttress its ability to react to challenges and threats and to make it more authoritative, as well also boost its efficiency."