The exhibition was first held in 1993. It contributes to development of mass media and to the formation of a full-fledged, civilized market of the press based on world standards and the Russian press's historical traditions. Besides, as a social notion, it reflects processes taking place in society.
The Press organizational committee comprises the most well-known and influential representatives of the media community.
With each year, the exhibition becomes more and more representative: this year, e-media (radio, TV and the Internet) joined it. The last exposition Press 2004 saw over 900 editorial offices from more than 100 Russian, CIS and foreign cities presenting their products. Some 100,000 people visited within three days.
Various important events will take place within the exhibition's framework,: a congress in support of reading, a business assembly of press media, a press assembly of Russian journalists, a congress of press media chief executives, a forum involving heads of PR and advertising structures of organizations and enterprises, an all-Russian conference of periodical distributors, a function organized by Russian entrepreneurs and an Internet session.