We decided not to do it single-handedly but upon agreement with our client-the Russian government. The goal is transparency and full openness, Waller said.
The client has got the "confidential" documents, which have been published, he said.
Dresdner Kleiwort Wasserstein appraised the main production unit of YUKOS, Yuganskneftegaz, at 14.7-17.3 billion dollars with account for the tax claims. The opinion has been made on order from the Russian Justice Ministry.
The bank circulated the opinion on Thursday after the Justice Ministry's report on Yuganskneftegaz being appraised at 10.4 billion dollars. A source in the ministry that the sum is the lowest appraisal limit.
The bank says that the Yuganskneftegaz appraisal, according to the adjusted independent estimation of its reserves as of late 2003, is 14.3 billion dollars and is a too conservative appraisal scenario.
Minus the YUKOS debt of about 2.9 billion dollars and upon coming into force of the supposed tax claim to Yuganskneftegaz - 951.3 million dollars, the company's cost may go down to 10.4 billion dollars.
The bank set the cost of Yuganskneftegaz as a separate enterprise in between 18.6 billion and 21.1 billion dollars.
The bank supposed that the Yuganskneftegaz license situation remains unchanged. A license-related change in the Yuganskneftegaz position may substantially tell on its cost, the report says.
So far, the Justice Ministry cannot comment on the bank's opinion, published on Thursday.
Vladimir Zelentsov, official spokesman for the Russian Federal Property Fund, told RIA Novosti that tenders on Yuganskneftegaz may be held in late November.
Zelentsov noted that the YUKOS assets may be sold. "Either on an auction or by contest, which is to be decided later", he noted.
Yuganskneftegaz has been chosen to be sold for guaranteed repayment of the YUKOS debts before the budget.
Part of the YUKOS property - the Yuganskneftegaz block of shares - will be realised through the Russian Federal Property Fund, Alexander Buksman, head of the ministerial main department for Moscow, has said.