"This correlation comes as an unbearable economic burden, which tells on economic development prospects, and on public incomes and living standards," he said to a forum on Russian demographic problems, underway in Moscow.
The matter is even worse as the immigration inflow shrank more than 12.5-fold within the preceding ten years.
There is no way now to reverse the negative demographic trends, complained Mr. Zurabov.
Russia's is the world's 134th for male life expectancy, and 100th for female. The Russian average expectancy is slightly above 65, with 58.8 for men-Europe's smallest, and 72 for women.
The current mortality rate is 16.4 per thousand population, which is very high. A positive trend of 1995-99 proved short-lived. Able-bodied mortality is alarming-above 233,000 last year. 33,000 died of alcoholic abuse, and another 30.000 in traffic accidents. Adolescent mortality rate came 40 per cent up, the minister went on.
Russia expects to bring the number of poor down from current 26 million to 16.8 million in 2007. That number has almost halved, as it is, from a recent 42 million-that thanks to government welfare. Next year's federal allocations to seniors will make ten billion roubles, roughly US$340 million, to underage persons three billion roubles, and to limited-abilities persons fifty billion, announced Mr. Zurabov.
The demographic forum has brought together government and ecclesiastical dignitaries, community leaders, researchers and cultural activists. The minister thanked the Russian Orthodox Church for its organisation.