"We appeal to every Christian and every citizen of our Motherland. Its future depends on each of you. Bring back the true mission of the family, for hearth and home is one of the places where acts of civic heroism are performed," the forum says in its final statement.
The gathering called secular authorities to prohibit abortion advertising.
"Russia is going through a demographic crisis. Its population is disastrously shrinking. The number of deaths exceeds the number of births by an annual million," warns the document.
It makes an insistent call on parents "to protect and bring up all their children".
The forum appeals to teachers to "retain high morals". Otherwise, even the most excellent study books will not help education to attain its primary goals, stresses the statement.
"Debauchery and other vices are the worst enemies of this country today." Moral principles are to make the basis on which the Church and the State will join hands to get Russia out of its demographic crisis, says the forum.